Oct 03, 2024  
College Catalog 2024-2025 
College Catalog 2024-2025

Urban Studies

Structure of the Concentration

A concentration in urban studies will consist of six courses. The courses must meet the curricular requirements described below, which are designed to help students meet goals of historical depth and interdisciplinary breadth. Students must complete courses that are distributed across at least three different departments. Finally, students may apply a course they have taken at another institution - through a study away program or ACTC school, for instance - but can only apply one 4-credit course to their concentration in Urban Studies.


  1. One of the following introductory courses:
    ART 285 - Making of Imperial Cities: Babylon, Rome, and Constantinople  
    EDUC 260 - Critical Issues in Urban Education  
    ENVI 340 - US Urban Environmental History  
    GEOG 241 - Urban Geography  
    GEOG 261 - World Urbanization  
    GEOG 262 - Metro Analysis  
    HIST 284 - Imaging the Modern City  
    POLI 204 - US City and Metro Politics  
  2. Three discipline-based theoretical approaches to the city drawn from the following set of courses. A relevant course that does not appear on this list, including a course taken through a study away/study abroad opportunity, may be substituted for one of these courses, pending approval of the concentration director.
    ART 285 - Making of Imperial Cities: Babylon, Rome, and Constantinople 
    AMST 250 - Race, Place and Space  
    CLAS 194 - Topics Course  - Cosmopoleis
    ECON 342 - Economics of Poverty in the US 
    EDUC 260 - Critical Issues in Urban Education  
    ENVI 264 - Convergence: Art/Science/Design in Our City  
    ENVI 294 - Topics Course  - Sustainable Cities: Urban Environmental Science
    GEOG 203 - Introduction to Urban Ecology  
    GEOG 241 - Urban Geography  
    GEOG 261 - World Urbanization 
    GEOG 262 - Metro Analysis 
    GEOG 320 - Asian Cities  
    GEOG 341 - City Life: Segregation, Integration, and Gentrification 
    GEOG 476 - Transportation Geography Seminar  
    GEOG 478 - Another World is Possible: The Political Economy of Urban Sustainability  
    GEOG 494 - Topics Course  Global Urbanism
    HIST 219 - In Motion: African Americans in the United States  
    HIST 282 - Latin America: Art and Nation 
    HIST 284 - Imaging the Modern City  
    HIST 294 - Topics Course  We Built This City: Towns and City Life from Late Antiquity to the Later Middle Ages
    HIST 376 - Public History  
    HIST 394 - Topics Course  - World Economies
    POLI 204 - US City and Metro Politics 
    POLI 244 - Urban Latinx Power in the U.S. 
    POLI 315 - Advanced Topics in Policy: US Education Politics and Policy  
    POLI 342 - Urban Politics of Latin America  
    SOCI 190 - Criminal Behavior/Social Control 
    SOCI 220 - Sociology of Race/Ethnicity  
    SOCI 258 - Immigrant Voices in Times of Fear  
    SOCI 270 - Interpretive Social Research  
  3. Engaged inquiry courses involve substantive engagement with a community located outside of the Macalester campus, either in the wider Twin Cities region or elsewhere in the world. Courses that meet this requirement feature activities that enable students to learn from and with a community through structured engagement. The following courses fulfill this requirement. A relevant course that does not appear on this list, including a course taken through a study away/study abroad opportunity, may count, pending approval of the concentration director. Students may also use a four-credit internship, but must work in advance with the concentration director to design an internship that will satisfy this requirement.
    AMST 300 - Critical Legal Studies  (with approved topic)
    ANTH 230 - Ethnographic Interviewing 
    EDUC 230 - Community Youth Development in Multicultural America  
    EDUC 260 - Critical Issues in Urban Education  
    EDUC 390 - Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools 
    EDUC 614 - Independent Project 
    ENVI 194 - Topics Course  Bicycling the Urban Landscape
    ENVI 270 - Psychology of Sustainable Behavior  
    ENVI 340 - US Urban Environmental History 
    GEOG 263 - The End of Public Space? Searching for the Inclusive City 
    GEOG 277 - Qualitative Research Methods in Geography   
    GEOG 364 - GIS and Community Partnerships  
    GEOG 365 - Urban GIS 
    GEOG 472 - Global Urbanism  
    HIST 281 - The Andes: Landscape and Power  (with approved topic)
    HIST 382 - Remembering the Modern City 
    HIST 394 - Topics Course  Public History in Action: Remembering Rondo: An Oral History Project
    POLI 203 - Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State  (with approved research topic)
    POLI 204 - US City and Metro Politics  
    THDA 294 - Topics Course  Ecology and Performance: What Does the Warming World Need Now?
  4. INTD 401 - Urban Studies Colloquium : This course, or an approved equivalent, must be completed in the fall semester of the student’s senior year.