Feb 09, 2025  
College Catalog 2024-2025 
College Catalog 2024-2025

Student Support Services


Student Affairs

Student Affairs is an important part of the Macalester student experience. The mission of Student Affairs is to serve as educators who foster the holistic development of students on their journey of self-awareness, leadership, and service in the world. The division strives to create inclusive communities in which students can learn and grow.  We respect the dynamic traditions and identities of all community members and seek to create a sense of belonging on our campus.  We promote and encourage well-being of the whole student through the development of body, mind, and spirit and create an empowered, resilient, and thriving community.  We recognize that students learn in connected, integrated ways.  We help students create meaning and synthesize learning by illuminating the intersections among experiences in and out of the classroom and for life beyond Macalester.  We forge intentional partnerships to deepen student learning and engagement within and beyond the campus community. Programs and activities are designed to encourage the balance of individuality and responsibility. The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for overseeing many of the critical services that support students to get the most out of their time at Macalester. Members of our staff are a good source of information about college resources and policies.

The Macalester College Student Government provides official representation for students in college governance, coordinates student action and allocates the student activity fees. The legislative body meets regularly throughout the year providing a forum for the expression of student opinions.

Macalester students have created over 100 organizations, and new ones are formed based on student interest. Student organizations are chartered through MCSG. For a complete listing of active student organizations please reference the Student Organizations directory on the Macalester College website.

Student media includes: the Mac Weekly newspaper, the Chanter literary magazine, WMCN-FM radio, and several other periodic publications.

Office of Student Affairs Staff

The Vice President for Student Affairs serves as the Chief Student Affairs Officer of the College. The Vice President for Student Affairs, the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students and the Associate Dean of Students, work jointly and are concerned primarily with the general welfare and collegiate life of all students. The office is responsible for the Athletics program, Campus Center and Programming, Student Leadership and Engagement, Career Exploration, Disability Resources, International Student Program, Laurie Hamre Center for Health and Wellness (health education, medical, and psychological), and Residential Life.

The Office of Student Affairs assists in answering any student or parent questions related to college policies or procedures, and provides ombudsman services to students who have a specific problem or inquiry. The office maintains the personal records of all current students, and alumni for seven years after graduation. The Office of Student Affairs is represented on the Academic Standing Committee and the Provost’s Leadership Team. The Vice President for Student Affairs serves as an ex officio member of the Academic Standing Committee and is a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.  The Associate Dean of Students is also a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.


Student Life


Macalester’s sports and recreation program is extensive, including intercollegiate athletics, Physical Education Courses, intramurals, and club sports. The Intercollegiate athletic programs compete as NCAA Division III members and compete in the following conferences: the MIAC and CWPA for women’s water polo. Men compete in baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, soccer, swimming & diving, tennis, and track and field. Women compete in basketball, cross-country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball and water polo. Club sports currently include men’s and women’s hockey, crew,nordic skiing, men’s and women’s rugby, men’s and women’s ultimate Frisbee, women’s lacrosse, Quadball, soccer, women’s wrestling and men’s water polo. Intramural competition is available in a wide variety of sport activities throughout the school year.

Campus Center Programs and Services

Campus Center Programs and Services delivers quality event support services while providing meaningful educational opportunities through employment.  Campus Center Programs and Services also provides space,  services and guidance in event planning and support to promote student learning, engagement, and inclusion.  We manage the day-to-day operations of the Ruth Stricker Dayton Campus Center, which serves as the living room and gathering space for the campus.  Areas within Campus Operations include:

  • Campus Center Building Managers
  • Information Desk
  • Open Pantry
  • Evening, late night, weekend and social event programming
  • Senior Week programming
  • Family Fest
  • Senior Fair

Career Exploration

Career Exploration assists students with their internship and career search needs, using the “Explore, Design, Connect, Launch” framework.  We help students:

  • Explore majors, careers and graduate school opportunities

  • Search for internships or full-time employment 

  • Engage in internships for academic credit

  • Connect to Macalester alumni and professionals in their fields of interest

  • Translate their unique Macalester experience into the materials necessary for the internship and career search, including resumes, cover letters, Linked In profiles, etc.

  • Prepare for interviews

The staff of Career Exploration have developed a comprehensive system of resources. Services offered include: one-on-one advising, workshops, StrengthsFinding assessments, “Quick Start guides”, an extensive alumni network, a virtual internship and job posting system (Handshake), the Macalester Summer Internship Grant (MSIG) program, on-campus recruiting, job fairs and collaborations with faculty and other campus offices.

Center for Religious and Spiritual Life: The College Chaplains

The Weyerhaeuser Memorial Chapel is a split level building with an upper Chapel and a lower level Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (CRSL). The Chaplains of the college are housed in the CRSL. The term “chaplain” has roots in western Christian understandings of religious leadership. Today, the term is used much more expansively to refer to religiously trained professionals that serve people in institutions that are not specifically religious, including colleges, hospitals, prisons and corporations. Chaplains’ primary goal is to help people be well and whole. The Chaplains who stand in the Christian, Jewish, Muslim traditions serve the entire college community. We are practitioners of inclusive rituals, spiritual healing, radical joy, personal accompaniment, and dialogue across differences, in the pursuit of individual and collective liberation. We are confidential resources. 

The College has historical roots that connect us with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) you can read more about our affirmation of this relationship here.

The Chapel and the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (CRSL) are spaces where communities of practice, student organizations and individuals gather for ritual, learning, dialogue, and conversation. Daily access to both spaces is available to members of the Macalester community. The building is equipped with a library, kitchen, restrooms with wudu stations and a musalla (prayer room) and resources for Jewish prayer. The upper chapel offers a space for prayer, meditation, reflection and contemplation. We partner with students to host holidays, celebrations and observances that affirm religious and cultural identity. Those who hold non-theistic worldviews will find staff who thoughtfully accompany them through whatever life brings. 

Macalester Chaplains affirm that our global community holds diverse wisdom about the sacred. At Macalester we explore wholeness, belonging, and purpose - with curiosity - as we orient ourselves towards experiences of wonder and awe. The diverse chaplains of the CRSL seek to nurture growth into the fullness of the human family. This is possible when we co-create communities that support the inner life through reflection, practice, bearing witness, learning together, and building authentic relationships.

Communities have included: Alternative Faith Association, Mac Catholics, Mac Christian Collective, Mac Protestants, Mac Jewish Organization (MJO), Muslim Student Association (MSA), Sitting at Mac, Unitarian Universalists, Quaker Community and a Secular Humanist Group.

Community Engagement Center

Learning to be an informed and active community member is a core component of global citizenship and part of the mission of Macalester College. The Community Engagement Center (CEC) offers both curricular and co-curricular initiatives. By working in partnership with local communities, we connect the resources of the college with community needs and strengths in a spirit of mutual respect and reciprocity. In this way, the center works continuously toward long-term, mutually beneficial collaborations in order to deepen understandings and practices of decolonial pedagogies, research, and relationships.

We work with students to learn the skills of democracy and to be innovative agents of change employing social justice/equity frameworks. Informed by the belief that personal transformation leads to societal change, we co-create spaces to grapple with critical questions like democracy and citizenship in ways that promote the common good and solidarity.

Each semester dozens of classes are offered by faculty who have incorporated community engaged scholarship into their coursework. The CEC supports faculty in designing the courses, helps students in identifying these classes, and assists with community contacts. The CEC strives to build trust, knowledge, and understanding together over time as we co-create educational opportunities utilizing asset-based approaches.

The CEC offers several opportunities for ongoing community engagement for students who seek a more extensive involvement with local partners. The CEC’s college access programs (Bonner Community Scholars and Opportunities Abound) work with first-generation Macalester students and local youth who would be amongst the first in their families to attend college. Lives of Commitment and our Community Organizing Cohort offer opportunities to learn with a group over time and deepen one’s commitments.

The CEC also administers the Off-Campus Student Employment Program (OCSE). This program is an opportunity for students to earn their financial aid award (work-study student employment) while working 8-10 hours a week at a local nonprofit organization or school.

A weekly ongoing commitment to a local community partner is preferred, however, one-time and occasional opportunities are also available. Come find us on the 3rd floor of Markim Hall. We look forward to meeting you!

Food Service

Macalester’s primary dining venue is housed in the Ruth Stricker Dayton Campus Center and is provided by Bon Appetit, a contracted service. This dining experience is a passport to view the world’s different flavors and cuisine. Other dining options include Nessie’s in the Loch, the Grille, Scotty’s in the Leonard Center, and the Coffee Cart in the Janet Wallace Fine Arts Building. These supplemental options expand the hours of service and the menu selections available. Bon Appetit works closely with Macalester College to ensure that food prepared is locally sourced when possible and meets the dietary restrictions of all students.

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) supports the use of technology in classrooms, public and academic computer labs, residence halls, and across campus.  We support students on campus and those studying abroad as well as all faculty and staff.

  • ITS Help Desk: Call, chat or email the ITS Help Desk for tech help.  In-person assistance is available at 314 Humanities.
  • Digital Resource Center (DRC):  Help bring your class projects to
    life by checking out equipment from the DRC’s wide pool of media
    technology. We offer a multitude of services regarding academic
    technology and offer assistance at all skill levels. Located in the Library
    Lower Level.
    - 3D Printing: Check out the 3D printers available for student use in the DRC. Additional 3D printers are available to students enrolled in specific academic programs.
    - Checkout Equipment: Borrow laptops, chargers, cameras, tripods, microphones, speakers, projectors and more. We’ve got everything you need to get started on digital editing, video production, music, art, 3D modeling, and other digital endeavors. 
    - Lab Space: Stop in to use the lab space for video, audio, and sounding editing, or 3D modeling. We also have comfy seating and large displays to plug in for easier group work.
    - Poster Printing: Print large-format academic and research posters at no cost in the DRC.
    - Sound Booths: Record audio, create tracks, or edit in quiet in one of our sound-dampening booths.
  • Bring a laptop: Having your own laptop is strongly recommended. Desktop computers, Chromebooks, and tablets are fine to bring, but may not meet your academic needs.
  • Macalester Wi-Fi & eduroam: Connect to wireless on campus and all over the world at eduroam-participating institutions.  Wired connections are also available in the residence halls.
  • Public and virtual computer labs: Public computer labs are available for
    student use, with some residence hall locations open 24 hours during the academic term. There
    is also a virtual login option for some specific academic software.
  • Print and scan: Print from your own device to our print-release stations located in the Ruth Stricker Dayton Campus Center, DeWitt Wallace Library, academic buildings and residence halls. Multifunction devices are also available for color printing and scanning.
  • Moodle: Use Moodle, Macalester’s learning management system, to access online discussion forums, interactive exercises, and additional curricular resources relevant to your course load.
  • Software downloads: Download required software for courses at no cost.
  • Student employment: Apply to work in one of many student worker positions available annually in ITS, for real-world customer service and technology experience.
  • Google Account: Use your Google account to collaborate in real time.

Information Technology Responsible Use Policy: Students must agree to the Information Technology Responsible Use Policy which covers all students, faculty and staff in order to use Macalester technology related services.

International Student Program

The International Student Programs Department (ISP) serves the educational, regulatory, cross-cultural, and personal development needs of Macalester’s international students through helping them integrate, participate, and apply their learning to their own lives and cultural contexts.  In working toward achieving these goals, the International Student Programs provides advising on immigration, visa, taxation and other U.S. regulations and laws; a pre-orientation emphasizing government regulations and cultural issues; a fall semester mentoring relationship matching international first-year students with upper-class students; the Ametrica Project, which brings domestic and international students together to promote the development of greater intercultural sensitivity through dialogue and a series of ephemeral escapades; a host family program; consultations with faculty and staff on immigration, cultural, and learning issues related to international students. The ISP staff also works with other offices to facilitate international and intercultural learning among international and U.S. students.

Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship (IGC)

The Annan IGC strives to be a collaborative space for reimagining what a world that is focused on equity and justice could look like. In order to move towards such a vision, we work with students, staff, faculty, and communities beyond the campus to consider the complexity of contexts within local, national, and international systems and histories of power and inequality. The Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship (IGC) serves:

  • Students through leadership programs; community engagement; opportunities for deep reflections on one’s commitments and actions; and programs for student research and learning about graduate school and careers as professors. We offer opportunities for reciprocal engagement and meaningful collaborative relationships across campus, in communities and with global partners. Options abroad include study away programs, internships, research collaborations and community- based initiatives. We invite students to create sessions for the annual International Roundtable, and to co-create spaces for intercultural dialogues related to global issues/events.
  • Faculty and Staff by hosting interdisciplinary learning communities such as reading groups and Urban Faculty Colloquiums; providing support for curricular and pedagogical development around internationalism, multiculturalism, community-engaged learning, and study away; showcasing faculty/staff research and creative work that are global and transnational in scope through media platforms; developing and deepening ethical global, national and local partnerships; hosting scholars/activists/artists in residency to be in dialogue with the campus community; co-sponsoring campus events (such as speakers, panels and symposia) in alignment with IGC’s priorities.
  • Community by connecting organizations with college partners for mutual goals, bringing guests to campus for public events, and meeting community-defined needs through course integrated community-engaged learning, research, and ongoing partnerships. As we learn and build collaboratively with community partners, we recognize community knowledge that expand traditional notions of scholarship and expertise and honor long histories of work for social change.

Offices of the IGC:

  • The Dean’s Office contributes to building just and equitable learning environments and promotes Markim Hall as a hub for global citizenship on campus, including sponsoring the annual Global Citizenship Award, the annual International Roundtable, interdisciplinary learning communities, and scholars/activists/artists in residency.
  • The Center for Study Away supports students on domestic and international Study Away programs, including some Macalester-sponsored and exchange programs, and promotes the integration of student learning from Study Away into the Macalester curriculum.
  • The Community Engagement Center is a catalyst for deep collaborative engagement that centers community knowledge(s) and agency in order to creatively solve problems, engage community-identified needs and initiate transformative change.

Laurie Hamre Health and Wellness Center

Personal and academic success go hand in hand with health and well-being. Medical care, counseling, health promotion, sexual respect and violence prevention, and student health insurance administration create partnerships where students and professionals share a commitment to community well-being. We strive to establish a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment for each person who comes through our doors or interacts with our staff in any setting.  We are committed to continuous learning to make our services more equitable and accessible to all students and to advocate for a campus community that fosters health equity and community well-being.

The Hamre Center for Health and Wellness offers many resources, but it can also serve as an important gateway to services in the off-campus community. The College’s urban location affords opportunity to connect with providers for students whose health conditions would benefit from more timely, specialized or long-term treatment options.

Specific services provided on campus include:

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling Services offers a variety of mental health support to meet the  needs of our diverse student body at no additional cost to students regardless of health insurance. These services include short-term individual counseling,  counseling groups and workshops, urgent counseling services or same day access, medication management with limited psychiatric services, consultation with faculty, staff and students, outreach initiatives and prevention programs, and referral support to the on and off campus community. A 24/7 telephone crisis counseling service is also available at no cost to Macalester students. Services are provided by a multidisciplinary staff of licensed mental health professionals, including clinical social workers, professional counselors, psychologists, and advanced clinical practice student interns, as well as a visiting psychiatrist.


Medical Services is a primary care clinic that offers appointments for prevention, mental health, gender care including hormone prescribing, all-gender sexual and reproductive health, illness and injury care, and chronic disease management.  Staff include a physician, advanced practice clinicians (nurse practitioner, physician assistant), registered nurse, medical/lab assistants, and rotating University of Minnesota medical residents and adolescent medicine fellows. A 24/7 nurse triage phone service is also available to Macalester students at no cost.

To ensure a healthy community, students must have an immunization record on file; as well as a required tuberculin screening, which may indicate further testing.  Annual immunization requirements, including updates to COVID policy will be shared. Macalester College and the State of Minnesota have immunization requirements that must be met in order to be enrolled for classes.

Health Promotion

Health Promotion fosters a healthy campus environment that embraces health and well-being. Through a wide range of outreach initiatives, services, and institutional reform, we strive to provide students with the support, empowerment, skills, and experiences to flourish and create a community centered on health equity.  Our evidence-based approach includes: public health campaigns for mental health, substance use, and sexual respect; online assessments; social marketing; environmental change strategies; and student work experiences.

Sexual Respect and Violence Prevention

Our sexual respect and violence prevention approach focuses on enhancing positive relationships of all kinds, increasing access to resources, creating role models for everyday consent, and empowering all members of our Macalester community. Our evidence-based approach utilizes: bystander intervention, online assessments, peer role-modeling, environmental strategies, and critical analysis of systems of power.

Insurance and Costs

Macalester College requires all students to maintain comprehensive personal health insurance that follows minimum standards as defined by the Affordable Care Act and the American College Health Association. It should meet or exceed the Macalester-offered plan and provide non-emergent and urgent coverage in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Macalester offers a health insurance plan for students without insurance or whose plans do not provide adequate coverage.  An insurance specialist provides support for all students as they navigate insurance and the US healthcare system.

All students are billed for the insurance and must waive out of the plan during a defined period prior to the start of classes. Information on the health insurance plan offered by Macalester is available at https://www.macalester.edu/health-and-wellness/insurance-2/ and shared with incoming students in the months prior to arrival on campus. Students who experience a change in their insurance status may be able to enroll at the beginning of the spring term for coverage through the summer. All international students are required to enroll in the health insurance plan offered by Macalester due to visa regulations.

There are no charges to be seen by medical or counseling professionals; however, students are charged for laboratory services, immunizations, a few procedures/physicals, and prescription medications.  The students that’s on the United Healthcare Student Resources offered by Macalester, are charges incurred at the Hamre Center are paid at 100%. The student is responsible for any health service charges incurred outside the Hamre Center for Health and Wellness.


Through innovative services, robust collections, inviting facilities, and personalized attention, staff of the DeWitt Wallace Library support the mission of the College and the ideals expressed in Macalester’s Statement of Purpose and Belief. We participate in the development of a broad exploration of the liberal arts, while effectively contributing to the achievement of the Student Learning Goals, especially in the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to use information resources effectively. The library also serves as a dynamic center for cultural engagement, hosting events and offering exhibitions and displays that showcase our diverse collection of materials. 

We advance the instructional mission of the College by providing research and consultation services, classroom instruction, and specialized workshops in areas such as navigating information, special collections, archives, and digital liberal arts. All First Year Courses include a librarian-taught session that establishes a base-level information literacy goal for all students. We equip students with foundational life skills, including critical thinking, research strategies, and engaging in scholarly discourse in their educational journey starting with their First Year Course through upper-level courses and capstone seminars.

Located at the heart of the campus and designed as a community gathering space, the library building provides individual and group study and cooperative workspaces. The top level is dedicated to quiet study while lower levels accommodate student collaboration needs. The building features wireless connections and device recharging stations along with some desktop computers with advanced programs. College Archives and Special Collections are on Level 2 and have both exhibit space and a heavily used enhanced teaching room. The Idea Lab maker space, also on Level 2, gives everyone the tools and support they need to foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration. The Digital Resource Center on the Lower Level provides support, instruction, and equipment for digital, video, and audio creation and development. There are 3D printers, podcast audio booths, multiple cameras, microphones, advanced computer programs, and much more.

The library collections, located throughout the building and online, include print volumes, newspapers, periodicals, ebooks, streaming media, college archives, special collections, and more. One can readily search our online catalog with access to resources from thousands of libraries worldwide. Physical materials from other colleges and public libraries may be requested online, and are delivered daily via courier service. Articles requested through interlibrary loan often are available to download the same day, sometimes in less than an hour. The library provides access to extensive digital collections of primary resource materials, as well as a full range of networked online indexes, full-text article databases, and over 1,500 online journals. Nearly all online virtual library content can be accessed from off-campus, providing services to community members wherever they are needed-be it at home over the summer, or in another country during a study-away semester.

Our library has something to offer every student, staff, and faculty member. We invite you to check us out and find your place in our library.

The Macalester Academic Excellence (MAX) Center

The MAX Center supports students so that they can do their best possible academic work. The MAX Center focuses on: A) the disciplines of math, science, and writing; B) the skills required for good time-management and study habits; C) building a culturally diverse learning community; and D) academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities. We offer individual and group assistance at no charge in mathematics, biology, chemistry, writing, study skills, time management, and other areas. 

Beyond classroom work, we help students with capstone papers and honors projects, along with personal statements and applications for scholarships and study-abroad programs.  We also help students prepare for graduate school applications and examinations.

The Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice

The Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice (LSC) is named after Catharine Deaver Lealtad (Class of 1915), the first African American graduate of Macalester College and a talented doctor; and Esther Torii Suzuki (Class of 1946), a survivor of the Japanese internment camps during WWII and a six-year member of the Macalester College Alumni Board. The Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice encompasses the Gender and Sexuality Commons (GSC) and the Cultural House (CHouse), and is located on the first floor of Kagin Commons. The LSC serves all Macalester students, providing social justice education and opportunities for community- and coalition-building. Our programs have a particular emphasis on serving students who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, first-generation to college, and/or students who are navigating U.S. immigration systems.

The Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice works in collaboration with Macalester students to build a transformative community. We do this through learning, reflection, engaging in dialogue, and action. We interrogate our lived experiences and center the voices of those marginalized in our society with the goals of building strong relationships, critical consciousness, and collective liberation. Through participation in LSC programs, students will:

  • analyze the social and political contradictions in our society and how they shape our inherited values and understanding of the world;
  • utilize critical dialogue skills and tools to engage in complex and meaningful conversations;
  • through study and reflection, develop the skills necessary to navigate systems, organize, and take action against oppressive structures in our society;
  • and prioritize wellness, practicing sustainable community engagement and cultivating space for radical joy.


The Registrar’s Office is responsible for academic records, transcripts, grading, registration, and the collection and dissemination of certain student data. In addition, the office administers the academic calendar and schedule of classes, classroom scheduling, transfer credits, and certifies attendance and/or academic standing. The Registrar’s Office certifies to the faculty those students eligible for graduation and manages Degree Works, a degree audit and progress tool.

Residential Life 

Living on campus is an important part of a Macalester student’s educational experience. Residential Life at Macalester College enacts the institution’s mission by utilizing a student-focused, learning-centered approach to the residential experience (Life@Mac, policies and procedures, and housing operations). We do this by fostering social emotional learning, restorative practices, and conflict coaching.  Students are provided numerous opportunities to learn about themselves as well as meet, interact, and develop relationships with others on the floor-building community with those who are different from themselves.  

Macalester has a two-year live-on requirement for first-year and sophomore students.  The requirement stems from the belief that a fuller and richer college experience can be obtained by living among one’s peers for two years. This requirement does not apply to transfer students and housing is not guaranteed for transfer or upper division students, however Residential Life is more than happy to work with any interested transfer or upper division student regarding on-campus housing. 

There are varied housing options available such as traditional residence halls, campus houses, apartment style living, suite style and living learning communities (LLCs) such as a vegetarian co-op, language houses, an eco house, substance free, and a cultural house. All of our LLCs exist in collaboration with other departments, such as the Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice or academic departments.

Additionally, in fall 2023 we began using a gender-inclusive housing (GIH) model, something many campuses across the country are also adapting. This gives students the option to reside and live with other student(s) regardless of sex, gender and/or gender identity, and have access to all-gender bathrooms. This model supports our gender needs and allows Residential Life to have facilities and a program that is rooted in universal design. While the majority of our residence halls and buildings are gender-inclusive housing, there will be some floors and spaces that will have gender-specific spaces and bathrooms. All students will be able to select the housing arrangements that best fit their needs and live in a safe and comfortable living environment. In their housing form, they are able to select if they would prefer gender-inclusive or single-gender housing, as well as the sex of their roommate. With the exception of one building, students living in gender-inclusive halls have access to both single-gender and gender-inclusive restrooms, within 1 floor of their room.

Residence Hall Directors are full-time professional staff with Master’s degrees in College Student Personnel or a related field, who live in the residence halls. These individuals are charged with the most important task of implementing the department’s mission and developing strong learning communities within each hall. The Residence Hall Directors supervise Resident Assistants living on each residence hall floor. Additionally, we have an Assistant Director of Residential Life - Residential Services who oversees housing assignments and housing processes. Within the department, there are also two Associate Directors and an Executive Director.

Center for Student Leadership and Engagement

The Center for Student Leadership and Engagement (CSLE) creates intentional learning opportunities for students to engage in campus life, develop leadership skills, and build inclusive communities throughout their Macalester experience. We also provide resources and advising, and facilitate opportunities for interactions that build community through campus engagement, develop educational initiatives that promote student leadership, and create comprehensive transitional programming to support the educational, social, and personal needs of students.

Areas within CSLE include:

  • New Student Orientation and transition support
  • Student Organization services and advising
  • Macalester College Student Government advising
  • Leadership Development Opportunities
  • Forensics (Mock Trial, Ethics/Bioethics Bowl, Policy Debate, Moot Court, and ModelUN)
  • Campus Engagement and Late Night/Weekend Programs
  • Open Pantry
  • Senior Week
  • Campus Center Operations (Information Desk, Campus Center Managers, Outdoor Gear Room)


The Macalester Sustainability Office’s mission is to be a catalyst, convener and champion of urban sustainability and environmental justice ideas and actions across and beyond campus. The office works with both operational and academic departments across campus to create a healthy, sustainable, and environmentally just urban community. The office helps the college advance their carbon neutrality and zero waste goals, supports student and faculty projects related to sustainability, organizes sustainability-focused events, and serves as an all-around sustainability resource on campus. Other Sustainability Office projects include the campus community gardens, the free swap, and the bike share program. Stop by the sustainability office on 1657 Lincoln Street to say hello, see how you can get involved, or talk about an idea for a new project!

Center for Disability Resources

Macalester College seeks to create a welcoming environment in which all students, including those with disabilities, have the same opportunity to reach their academic potential and are provided equal access to courses, programs or co-curricular activities. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973 and other applicable state or federal legislation, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination and provided reasonable accommodation or modifications when necessary to ensure this access.

Macalester is committed to addressing barriers encountered by individuals with disabilities and has established appropriate policies and procedures towards this goal. Center for Disability Resources  is located on the lower level of Kagin Commons.

Safety, Security and Annual Crime Security Report Information

At Macalester College, the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff is always a priority. With the support of other departments, we have hundreds of people involved in keeping this campus safe and secure. However, a truly safe campus can only be achieved through the cooperation of all students, faculty and staff.

The Macalester College Annual Security and Fire Safety Report known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and its amendments and the HEOA Campus Fire Safety Report. These reports include statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Macalester; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional polices concerning campus security, such as polices concerning sexual assault, and other matters. The annual fire safety report outlines fire safety practices, standards, and all fire-related on-campus statistics. The Macalester College Clery Campus Crime and the Campus Fire Safety Reports are available upon request, at no charge, from the Macalester Public Safety Department at 651-696-6278, the Admissions Office at 651-696-6357 , Employment Services at 651-696-6280 or by accessing the annual crime report web page at www.macalester.edu/security/reports/annual-crime-report-text.pdf.

In addition, matriculated student users of Macalester’s facilities or services are required to comply with the Campus Security Act and Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2002, including self-registration with appropriate State agencies. Failure to comply with this requirement, if applicable, may jeopardize your status as a Macalester student.

For more information about safety or security matters please contact the Director of Public Safety.