College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Linguistics Steering Committee:
Linguistics Department Faculty: Christina Esposito (Chair), Morgan Sleeper, Marianne Milligan (Linguistics and Environmental Studies)
Affiliated Faculty: Cynthia Kauffeld (Spanish and Portuguese), Brooke Lea (Psychology), Satoko Suzuki (Asian Languages and Cultures)
Language is all around us. It is in everything that we do, yet the interpretation and analysis of language is still mysterious to us. As users of language(s), we are all experts in language(s), but few of us know how language works. This question is the focus of the Linguistics major. Through classroom activities and hands-on research projects, the curriculum introduces students to the methods of investigation and conceptual analysis of linguistics in an effort to understand the complexities of human language. Students will explore the scientific understanding of human language and learn the tools to analyze the sounds, structure, and meaning of any language.
But, linguistics is more than sounds, structure, and meaning of a language. It is also how we use language to create social order, enact identities, build community, or even develop artificial intelligence. Thus, when you study linguistics, you are at the crossroads of every discipline! The knowledge and skills you will acquire in Linguistics will prove invaluable to anyone who wants a greater understanding of human behavior.
General Distribution Requirement
All linguistics courses count toward the general distribution requirement in social science except for LING 236 , LING 309 , LING 311 , LING 435 , LING 436 , LING 437 , and LING 488 , which count toward humanities.
General Education Requirements
Courses that meet the general education requirements in writing, quantitative thinking, internationalism and U.S. identities and differences will be posted on the Registrar’s web page in advance of registration for each semester.
Additional information regarding the general distribution requirement and the general education requirements can be found in the graduation requirements section of this catalog.
Honors Program
The linguistics department participates in the honors program. Eligibility requirements, application procedures and specific project expectations for the department are available from either the department office or the Academic Programs and Advising Office.
Topics Courses
LING 194 , LING 294 , LING 394 , LING 494
Past offerings include: Time and Space in Language; The Human Voice; Southeast Asian Linguistic Typology; Computational Methods in Linguistics. To be announced at registration.
Independent Study
The department offers independent study options in the form independent projects, internships, preceptorships and Honors independent projects. For more information contact the department and review the Curriculum section of the catalog.