Sep 27, 2024  
College Catalog 2012-2013 
College Catalog 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Political Science

  • POLI 250 - Comparative-Historical Sociology

    The course introduces students to principles of cross-national and cross-cultural analysis. The class begins with a survey of the basic methodological orientations that distinguish various modes of analysis in the social sciences. The lectures and discussions in this section provide a general introduction to the logic of causal analysis, explore the relative strengths and weaknesses of differing methodological approaches to understanding social phenomena, and specifically, consider in greater detail the distinctive blend of theoretical, methodological, and empirical concerns that inform comparative-historical social science. The substantive topics of the course include: the Social Origins of the Modern State; the Sociology of Democracy and Authoritarianism; the Sociology of Revolution; and The Rise of the Welfare State. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 252 - Water and Power

    Cross-Listed as GEOG 252  and ENVI 252 

    This course develops an interdisciplinary approach to studying water resources development, drawing from geography, anthropology, history, politics, hydrology, and civil engineering. With a focus on large river basins, the course examines historical and emerging challenges to the equitable and sustainable use of transboundary waters. After first exploring the American water development model, the course will examine the promulgation of this model in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Dam development for irrigation, electricity, navigation, and flood protection will be discussed. Fall semester.

      Prerequisite(s): ENVI 120 , ENVI 133 , or ENVI 232  (4 Credits)

  • POLI 260 - Contemporary Political Theory

    Transition in the nature of domination from manifest coercion to cultural hegemony. The course will focus on critical theory, principally Marcuse and Habermas, but will also consider Marx, Weber, Freud, Gramsci, Lukacs and Foucault. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 261 - Feminist Political Theory

    Cross-Listed as WGSS 261 
    Analysis of contemporary feminist theories regarding gender identity, biological and socio-cultural influences on subjectivity and knowledge, and relations between the personal and the political. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 262 - American Political Thought

    A study of selected writings and topics in political thought of the United States. POLI 100  recommended. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 265 - Work, Wealth, Well-Being

    Wealth has held an allure for many modern thinkers; the creation of a wealthy society often associated with “civilization” itself. The relationships among work, wealth and well-being are a perennial concern and have been central to the study of political economy, since its inception in the mid- to late-18th century. How does work produce wealth for the individual and for society? How, or when, does individual and social wealth translate into individual and/or social well-being? And, how does the character of work affect individual well-being or happiness? This course will examine the answers given to these questions (and myriad corollary questions) by writers within the political economy tradition. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 266 - Medieval Political Thought

    This course deals with the political thought of Latin Christendom (Western Europe) during the later Middle Ages (c. 1050 - c. 1550). This body of thought is worthy of sustained study for two reasons. First, it is one of the glories of human civilization. In seeking to answer the timeless question “how we should live our lives as individuals” and “how we should live together in peace and justice” late medieval political thinkers produced a body of political thought second to none in the history of human philosophical speculation. Second, late medieval political thought is worthy of study because it gave rise to many of the concepts that continue to shape our collective lives today (including state sovereignty, separation of church and state, constitutionalism, just war, property rights, “the people,” nationalism, democracy, rule-of-law, and human rights). Indeed, it is impossible to really understand contemporary political life without delving deeply into the way in which late medieval thinkers engaged with the big political issues of their day.

    The main goal of this course is to provide a solid introduction to the political thought of this crucially important era in human history. In it, we will critically examine the relevant works of thinkers such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, John of Paris, Marsilius of Padua, Bartolus of Sasseferato, and Baldus de Ubaldi. To the extent that they shed light on late medieval thought, we will also touch on classical political theorists such as Aristotle and Cicero as well as Muslim and Jewish thinkers such as ibn Sina, Moshe ben Maimon, and ibn Rusd. (4 Credits)

    Curricular Change: New course effective Fall 2013 (10/1/12)

  • POLI 269 - Empirical Research Methods

    Strategies and tactics of design, observation, description, and measurement in contemporary political research. Prerequisite: at least one political science foundations course. Every year. (4 credits) Empirical Methods: The department requires its majors to take one course in empirical research methodology, preferably before their junior year. There are a number of courses that fulfill this requirement, including:  POLI 269 (Empirical Research Methods),   (Researching Political Communication),   (Science and Social Inquiry),   (Interpretive Social Research),   (Comparative-Historical Sociology). In some cases, research methods courses taken in other social science disciplines may be used to fulfill this requirement following approval by the political science department chair. Prerequisite(s): at least one political science foundations course (4 Credits)

  • POLI 270 - Rhetoric of Campaigns and Election

    The course examines the range of persuasive language strategies and symbol use in Presidential or congressional elections. Students design a comprehensive communication plan for a real candidate running for office. Students produce campaign rhetoric such as prospectus for institutional donors, press releases, direct mail appeals, bumper stickers, scripts for radio/television ads, scripts for fundraising phone banks, and a candidate stump speech. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 271 - Politics of Public Space

    Examination of the rhetoric and politics of public space and their relationship to civil society, liberal democracy, and public deliberation. Focuses on the public sphere as a location for the management of public memory through the building or destruction of monuments and other commemorative art, as well as a site for protests, strikes, and satiric demonstrations. Also examines state practices of encouraging, managing, and policing citizen expression in the public sphere. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 272 - Researching Political Communication

    A study of how presidents, politicians, and social movement activists worldwide use language and persuasive symbols to increase influence and affect political change. Students complete a semester-long project in which they analyze a significant political text utilizing descriptive-analytic, historical-contextual, critical, and interpretive research methods. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 294 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 300 - American Government Institutions

    Analysis of the formal institutions of American governance, including the U.S. Congress, Presidency, federal courts, and the bureaucracy. The course relies on extensive role playing to equip students with a hands-on understanding of the procedures utilized by all three branches of government, the complexity of public policy decision making, and the motivations and resources of various governmental actors. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 301 - Law, Economy, and Identity

    This seminar-style course explores American political development, examining how law, when influenced by economic ideologies or the focus of contests among economic interests, has had a significant impact on persons of identity. Topics include the property rights of women in early America, the law of slavery, and the legal development of Native American law, before reaching contemporary questions of inclusion and exclusion in law. Prior course work in American history, political science, or legal studies strongly recommended. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 305 - Women’s Voices in Politics

    Cross-Listed as WGSS 306 
    The course examines significant women persuaders as a force in Western history and culture. Concentrates on women’s efforts to participate fully in public affairs and the social, political, religious, scientific, and rhetorical obstacles that have restricted women’s access to the polis. Fundamental to the course is an analysis of how women have used speaking, writing, and protesting in attempts to overcome such obstacles, influence public policy and/or win elective office. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): POLI 170  or POLI 272  recommended. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 320 - Global Political Economy

    Traces the evolution of (global) political economy as a peculiarly modern way of understanding and organizing (global) social life. Particular attention will be paid to how the distinction between the political and the economic is drawn and implemented in interconnected ways within nation-states and in international society. Course includes a detailed study of one of the key components of the international political economy: international trade, international finance, technological processes, etc. POLI 120  recommended. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 321 - International Security

    This is a course designed to introduce students to global or world security studies as an academic field. It begins with a discussion of the various theoretical approaches to the study of international security (including traditional, critical and subaltern approaches). It then proceeds to explore a number of issues that are currently of interest to specialists in the field. While not an exhaustive survey, this course provides a solid introduction to the contemporary study of international security. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 322 - Advanced International Theory

    This course is designed to introduce students to the study of international relations theory as an academic discipline. It is intended to prepare students for graduate work in the field, but should be appropriate for those merely seeking to satisfy an interest in international relations theory. The course is intended primarily for advanced political science majors and non-majors in cognate fields who have significant experience in the discipline. It is expected that students will have taken Foundations of International Politics, a methods course, and at least one intermediate-level international relations course prior to beginning this course. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 323 - Humanitarianism in World Politics

    The past two decades appear to have been very successful ones for humanitarianism. Funding for humanitarianism has skyrocketed; humanitarian organizations have expanded their public support, as well as their activities; and, increasingly, humanitarian issues have found a place at the center of policy decisions. It is also generally agreed that humanitarianism is in crisis owing to the growing awareness of the sometimes harmful effects of aid; the expansion of the concept of humanitarianism to include human rights, development, and peace-building; and the increasing involvement of states in humanitarian operations. This advanced-level course explores the nature and dilemmas of contemporary humanitarianism. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 335 - Science and Citizenship

    Cross-Listed as ENVI 335 

    This course explores the dynamic relationship between science, technology and society. The course will examine how, and which members of, the public make controversial environmental decisions over topics such as endangered species, genetically modified foods, bioprospecting, climate change, and toxic waste disposal. Through these case studies, the course will critically examine concepts of risk and uncertainty, trust, credibility, expertise and citizenship. Spring semester.

      (4 Credits)

  • POLI 340 - Fascism

    A comparative exploration of fascism in Italy and Germany focusing on problems of modernization and interpretation. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 341 - Comparative Social Movements

    Comparative study of social movements in Latin America and other world regions. This research seminar engages several major theories that attempt to explain the origins and development of movements struggling for subsistence rights, labor rights, gender and sexuality rights, social rights, and racial and ethnic rights. The course focuses principally on Latin American movements, but also engages cases from the United States and Europe through an examination of transnational advocacy networks and global activism. POLI 140  recommended. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 363 - Paradigms of Global Citizenship

    In this course, we will read a number of classical and contemporary texts that attempt to address the -big- normative issues related to (global) civic life: -How should we think about the boundaries of civic or political community?-; -How should human beings live together, and govern themselves, within their political communities?-; -What rights, duties, responsibilities and virtues are necessarily associated with democratic citizenship?-; -Is there such a thing as `global citizenship?- ; and, if there is, -what is the relationship between human rights, cosmopolitan ethics and global citizenship?- The course approaches these questions from three normative perspectives: political liberalism, civic republicanism and cosmopolitanism. Although rooted in Western philosophical tradition, the course also draws on texts from other civilizations. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 390 - Chuck Green Civic Engagement Fellowship

    In his 40-year career at Macalester, Professor Chuck Green functioned as a one-man `leadership academy,- inspiring and guiding students to make the transition from detached observers to engaged citizens. Through his teaching, mentoring, and example, Professor Green instilled in students a sense of confidence and optimism about their ability to engage proactively in the world. The Chuck Green Civic Engagement Fellowship honors this legacy. Students with sophomore or junior standing may apply for this seven-month fellowship that includes a spring seminar and a full-time, fully-funded summer field experience. Chuck Green Fellows will study democratic engagement in social and organizational change, identify a client organization working for the public good with whom the student can analyze and address a problem, and then work with that client on a mutually agreed-upon solution. The Fellowship culminates in the early fall with an event in which Fellows, faculty, and clients have an opportunity to reflect on the fellowship experience. The Fellowship fulfills both the practicum and advanced course requirements of the political science major. Contact the political science department for a full description and application. Every spring. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 394 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 400 - Senior Research Seminar

    The research seminar is designed to fulfill partially the capstone experience requirement for political science majors. It is expected that students will have taken the required foundations, methods and intermediate courses prior to beginning the seminar. The goal of the Senior Research Seminar is to launch students on a culminating academic experience organized around the supervised independent study of a political science topic of particular interest and relevance to them. The Seminar is premised on the assumption that students will have a working familiarity with the foundational knowledge in the sub-field(s) relevant to their research project, a mastery of the practical skills introduced in the foundations courses and further developed in the intermediate courses, and a willingness to engage actively in a rigorous, sustained inquiry into an important topic. It is also premised on the assumption that students will take responsibility for managing their own self-directed learning processes. The Senior Research Seminar will normally involve one or more faculty members “coaching” students through the process of defining a significant and important political science research question, developing a thesis, designing an appropriate research program, and writing a substantial portion of a draft Honors thesis or senior independent project. Following successful completion of the Seminar, students participating in the Honors Program are required to enroll in political science independent project. Students not participating in the Honors Program who nevertheless wish to continue with their research should enroll in POLI 614  (Senior Independent Project). Every Fall. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 404 - Honors Colloquium

    A workshop for students pursing honors projects in the political science department. Pass fail grading. Every semester. (2 Credits)

  • POLI 494 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 601 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • POLI 602 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • POLI 603 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • POLI 604 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 611 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • POLI 612 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • POLI 613 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • POLI 614 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 621 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (1 Credits)

  • POLI 622 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (2 Credits)

  • POLI 623 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (3 Credits)

  • POLI 624 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 631 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (1 Credits)

  • POLI 632 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (2 Credits)

  • POLI 633 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (3 Credits)

  • POLI 634 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (4 Credits)

  • POLI 641 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Offered every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • POLI 642 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Offered every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • POLI 643 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Offered every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • POLI 644 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Offered every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)


  • PSYC 100 - Introduction to Psychology

    Introductory Course An introduction to psychological perspectives on problems and processes of behavior and experience, surveying such topics as motivation, learning, intelligence, perception, emotion, thought, social processes and language. Recommended for students with no previous exposure to academic psychology who seek a general overview of the field. Lecture and laboratory components. Every semester. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 180 - Brain, Mind, and Behavior

    Cross-Listed as  
    A multidisciplinary investigation of behavior and the nervous system. Particular emphasis is placed on human processes of perception, cognition, learning, memory, and language. This course also serves as the introductory course for the neuroscience studies major.  Fall semester. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 182 - Drugs and Society

    Topics covered include: social and legal history of drug use and abuse in America including ethnicity and chemical use, pharmacology of mood altering chemicals, chemical dependence and treatment, and drugs used in treating mental illness. Classes will consist of a mixture of lecture, film, discussion, role plays, etc. Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 194 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 198 - Excursions Exploring Psychology

    This course exposes students to topics in psychology not covered in our standard curriculum through travel to a new geographic region. The course focuses on aspects of psychology unique to that region and also typically includes a study of the geography and culture of the region. It is designated as a January course. Participants meet prior to departure in order to learn necessary background information. the field excursion generally spans two to three weeks. The region and area of psychology to be studied varies from year to year, and a student may take the course more than once for credit. This course is offered on a pass/fail basis only. Offered occasionally. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor (2 Credits)

  • PSYC 201 - Research in Psychology I

    This course is an introduction to the basic principles of research in psychology. We focus on how to design and execute psychological studies, analyze and interpret data, and write research reports. Students conduct studies in different areas of psychology (e.g., social, clinical, cognitive) that illustrate basic methodology and learn statistical techniques commonly used to understand psychological data. The course includes a laboratory component that facilitates expertise with computer statistical software and increases familiarity with American Psychological Association style. Every semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  Permission of instructor is required for first year students (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 202 - Research in Psychology II

    This course continues instruction begun in PSYC 201 . We more closely examine key factors for planning and implementing research studies, such as validity, variable operationalization, and common ethical dilemmas faced by psychologists. Students gain in-depth experience in developing, interpreting, and communicating different types of empirical psychological research designs (e.g., experiments, surveys, interviews). Every semester. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 , PSYC 201  or MATH 253 . We recommend that students who plan to take MATH 253  as their gateway to Psychology 202 consult with a member of the Psychology Department as soon as possible. These students will be expected to acquire proficiency in the topics covered in PSYC 201  (e.g., psychological research methods, SPSS, APA writing style, ethical guidelines) (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 220 - Educational Psychology

    Cross-Listed as EDUC 220 
    An introduction to theory and research in educational psychology. Topics include learning theory, learner characteristics, intelligence, creativity, motivation, measurement and evaluation, and models of teaching appropriate for diverse learners from early childhood through young adulthood. Students are required to complete observations in classroom settings. Every semester. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 240 - Principles of Learning and Behavior

    This course provides an in-depth introduction to the principles and methods used in the study of how behavior changes as a function of experience. The emphasis will be on classical and operant conditioning principles and procedures, which have become the standard research technologies used in biomedical, psychopharmacological, and other animal laboratory research areas. The laboratory component is designed to give students experience with behavioral technology and data collection and analysis. Group A course.  Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 242 - Cognitive Psychology

    A survey of the experimental analysis of the mind. Topics include attention, memory and forgetting, problem solving, creativity, reasoning, and language. Special emphasis is given to the study of discourse comprehension and reading. The weekly laboratory sessions afford students an opportunity to interact directly with cognitive phenomena and research methods. Group A course. Fall semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 243 - Psychological Anthropology

    Cross-Listed as  ANTH 243 
    This course explores the relationship between self, culture and society. We will examine and discuss critically the broad array of methods and theories anthropologists use to analyze personality, socialization, mental illnes and cognition in different societies. Our aim is to address questions related to the cultural patterning of personality, the self and emotions and to understand how culture might shape ideas of what a person is. We will also seek to understand how cultures define behavior as abnormal, pathological or insane, and how they make sense of trauma and suffering. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 111  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 244 - Cognitive Neuroscience

    Cross-Listed as  
    Cognitive neuroscience is a relatively recent discipline that combines cognitive science and cognitive psychology with biology and neuroscience to investigate how the brain enables the myriad of complex functions we know as the mind. This course will explore basic concepts and contemporary topics in the field, focusing in particular on the methods used in cognitive neuroscience research. Through lecture and lab sessions, students will learn to read and interpret primary source material, design and implement cognitive neuroscience studies, and present research in verbal and written forms. Overall, students will gain an appreciation for the amazing intricacy of the brain-mind relationship, as well as a sense of how this relationship may be understood eventually using cognitive neuroscience techniques. Group A course. Fall semester. Prerequisite(s):   or   (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 246 - Exploring Sensation/Perception

    Cross-Listed as NEUR 246 
    An examination of the processes of sensation and perception. While the course features a strong emphasis on neurophysiology of sensation, classical approaches to the study of perception will also figure prominently. Particular emphasis will be placed on vision and somatosensation, including pain processes. Lecture and weekly 3.5 hour investigatory laboratory.  Offered occasionally. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  or PSYC 180  or   and permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 248 - Behavioral Neuroscience

    Cross-Listed as NEUR 248 
    An examination of the role of the nervous system in the control of behavior. While the course features a systems approach to the investigation of sensory and perceptual mechanisms, molecular and cellular components of the nervous system will also be discussed in the context of course topics. Particular emphasis is given to the nature of learning, memory, and motor processes, motivation, emotion, homeostasis, cognition, and human neuropsychology. The laboratory will be used for a variety of instructor-demonstrative and student participatory research and laboratory activities. Spring semester. Prerequisite(s): NEUR 180  or BIOL 163  or BIOL 367 , or permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 250 - Developmental Psychology

    This is a course in lifespan human development; as such, we examine psychological theories and research to describe, understand, and explain the processes that shape our lives between conception and death. We will cover issues related to physiological/biological, cognitive/linguistic, and social/emotional development. A theme throughout this course is an exploration of the lifelong interaction between nature and nurture. This course also focuses on developing an understanding of the concepts, methods, research findings, and applied knowledge central to the study of developmental psychology. Group B course. Offered once each year. Prerequisite(s):   or   or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 252 - Distress, Dysfunction, and Disorder: Perspectives on the DSM

    This course will examine the experiences, causes, and treatments of the major forms of distress and disorder codified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), including schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. We will critically evaluate theories and research derived from biological, genetic, psychological, interpersonal, and social-cultural perspectives. Group B course.  Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 254 - Social Psychology

    This course will survey the ways in which social phenomena influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals. The major theories, experiments, and issues associated with social psychology will be examined. Sample topics include love, aggression, conformity, attitudes, prejudice, persuasion, obedience, and attribution. Group B course. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 . (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 256 - Personality Psychology

    This course will survey the major theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding human personality. Specific topics to be covered include psychoanalytic, humanistic, existential, and biological personality theories; motivation and cognition; traits; identity and the self; and the cultural and social context of personality. Research and assessment strategies for understanding personality will be explored and critically evaluated. Group B course. Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 262 - Asian American Psychology

    Cross-Listed as AMST 262 
    This course explores the psychological experiences of Asian Americans through readings from disciplines such as psychology, sociology, Asian American Studies, as well as the popular media. The central question organizing this course is how academic research can inform the daily lived experiences of Asian Americans. Topics include racialization and racialized imagery, how behavior is shaped by prevalent stereotypes of Asian Americans, negotiating bicultural/biracial identities, transracial adoption, immigration, acculturation, and mental health, among others. Counts as a UP3 course. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 264 - The Psychology of Gender

    Cross-Listed as  WGSS 264 
    This course provides an examination and a critique of psychological theories, methods, and research about gender. We will explore structural, social, individual, and biological explanations of how gender is experienced and represented, as well as of gender similarities and differences. Examples of research and theory will come from a wide variety of areas in psychology and related disciplines, and will address such issues as social and personality development, bodies and body image, social relationships, cognition, identity, language, violence, moral reasoning, sexuality, sexual orientation, etc. We will explore the intersection of gender with other social identities and will also learn about the historical, cultural, and epistemological underpinnings of psychological research on gender. Counts as a UP3 course. Offered occasionally. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  or permission of the instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 266 - History of Psychology

    This course explores major developments and ideas in psychology such as: the history of ideas about “the mind”; the effects of theorists’ life experiences on their ideas; key historical and social events that shaped the field; when and how psychology became a science; and how ideas about what is “normal” shape and are shaped by psychology. Counts as a UP3 course. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 . (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 268 - The Psychology of Multiculturalism: Identity in Diverse Societies

    This course examines the psychological effects of social diversity on our lives as individuals and as group members. Topics include: 1) gender, ethnicity, social class and other group memberships; 2) the perception of others; 3) social identity formation and change in relation to self; 4) in group/out-group relations in relation to identity; and 5) social change to reduce intergroup tensions. Finally, the class will consider how psychology as a discipline might change to become more relevant and sensitive to questions of diversity. Counts as a UP3 course. Fall semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 270 - Psychology of Sustainable Behavior

    Cross-Listed as  ENVI 270 
    This course is an introduction to the psychological study of sustainable behavior. As scientific evidence of degraded world environmental conditions accumulates, researchers from many disciplines are joining the effort to find solutions. Technological innovation will certainly play a role, but equally important are behavior changes at both the organizational and individual level. Psychologists use their training in the scientific study of human behavior to examine why people do or do not act sustainably in a variety of situations. In this course we will study this body of research and use psychological principles, theories, and methods to understand the factors that underlie both environmentally destructive as well as environmentally sustainable actions. A significant component of the course will be direct application of theory to one’s own actions as well as to a campus-or community-based sustainability issue.  Fall semester. Prerequisite(s):   for Psychology majors (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 294 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 300 - Directed Research in Psych

    Students are involved and guided in conducting research within specific content areas approved by the supervising faculty. Research may be conducted individually or in small groups depending on the content area. Research groups meet regularly for presentation of background material, discussions of common readings, and reports on project status. Directed research is typically taken in the junior year and is open only to declared majors. Students will be assigned to sections by the supervising faculty.  Every semester. Prerequisite(s):    and   and an intermediate course in Psychology and junior or senior standing (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 370 - Understanding and Confronting Racism

    Cross-Listed as AMST 370 
    An examination of the social psychological factors associated with race prejudice and racism, particularly in the United States. Focusing on the psychological theories proposed to understand racism, this course investigates the causes and consequences of racism at the individual, interpersonal, institutional and cultural levels of society. Special attention will be given to exploring interventions to reduce racism. Counts as a UP3 course. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 , PSYC 201  (or MATH 153  or MATH 155 ), and at least one intermediate course in Psychology. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 372 - Health Psychology

    The field of health psychology addresses three issues: 1) the ways in which psychological factors and experiences (such as stress, personality patterns, discrimination, etc.) affect health, 2) changing health behaviors and 3) the psychological effects of being ill. We will read research articles, theoretical essays, and first person accounts as a basis from which to understand these issues and also to grapple with such questions as: What exactly is “health”? What are the connections between the mind and the body? Can psychology help explain how our membership in different social groups affects our health? Why do some people get sick and others stay well? What is it like to be a patient? A doctor? How do societal ideas about illness and disability affect us?  Fall semester. Prerequisite(s):  PSYC 100  or PSYC 201  and at least one intermediate course or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 374 - Clinical and Counseling Psych

    This course examines specific applications of psychological principles to the mental health field, focusing on strategies for therapeutic intervention. We will pay particular attention to the issues raised by traditional clinical practice, such as ethics, the politics and economics of mental health, and cultural biases, and consider alternatives to mainstream clinical services, including art therapy, spirituality, and non-Western healing. Fall semester. Prerequisite(s):   or   and   or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 375 - Mood and Anxiety

    Sadness, despair, anxiety, dread: This seminar explores contemporary theories and research that help us understand and alleviate mood and anxiety disorders. We will examine evolutionary, cognitive, biological, sociocultural, and developmental perspectives on mood and anxiety, and we will grapple with current controversies concerning diagnosis, comorbidity, prevention, and pharmacology of mood and anxiety disorders. The seminar will also examine the promotion of well-being and positive psychology. Offered every few years. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 252  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 378 - Psychology of Language

    Cross-Listed as

    An examination of psychological factors that affect the comprehension of oral and written language. Topics include the origin of language, how language can control thought, the role of mutual knowledge in comprehension, and principles that underlie coherence in discourse. Includes readings from psycholinguistics, philosophy, sociolinguistics, gender studies, social psychology, and especially from cognitive psychology. Emphasis is placed on current research methods so that students can design an original study. Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):   (or  ) and   or two linguistics classes or permission of instructor


      (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 379 - Cultural Psychology

    This course will examine the interplay of culture and the mind. In the first part of the course, we will briefly examie theoretical developments and methodological limitations in the field of cultural psychology, which has hightlighted fundamental differences in models of the self, attention, perception, memory, morality, and emotions across East/Southeast Asians and Western Europeans/North Americans. The remaining time will be spent examining a series of topics on how culture and psychology interrelate in our increasingly globalized world. These topics include, but are not limited to, acculturation, multicultural identity negotiation, cultural evolution and reproduction, multicultural competence, emotion and memory across cultures, culture of gender, and culture of socioeconomic status. Offered yearly. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 380 - Community Psychology and Public Health

    This course will examine the inter-related fields of community psychology, public health psychology, and critical health psychology.  These disciplines share a commitment to the promotion of well-being within a social and cultural context.  We will explore theory, research, and praxis related to ecological analysis, empowerment models, prevention and health promotion, risk and resilience, community organizing and activism, and systems assessment.  These conceptual tools will help us understand the complex processes underlying clinical psychopathology (e.g., serious and persistent mental illness; perinatal mood disorders), behavioral health (e.g., smoking; obesity; substance abuse), and symptoms of structural violence (e.g., domestic violence; homelessness).  Throughout the course, we will focus on the unique contributions of psychological scholarship to understanding and improving population health.  All students will participate in a civic engagement experience of at least two hours a week to foster fuller understanding of the course concepts. Student led component. UP3 course. Offered every few years.  Prerequisite(s):   and   (or MATH 153  or  ) OR two CGH-related courses drawn from Categories A and/or B. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 382 - Hormones and Behavior

    This class will focus on the hormonal mechanisms of behavior in animals (including homo sapiens). Following introductory lectures, a series of topics will be explored, with a particular emphasis placed on those behaviors most directly mediated by hormonal activity (such as aggression, sexual and reproductive behaviors, stress responses, etc.). (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 385 - Mind Reading: Understanding Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Cross-Listed as NEUR 385 
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique used to provide indirect measures of neural activity in healthy (and unhealthy) humans. Although the technique has been readily available to researchers for only about 20 years, its popularity and use has grown tremendously in the last 10, and we now see it influencing aspects of culture and society not traditionally based in biomedical research (i.e. law, politics, economics). This course will cover the mechanics of fMRI, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and explore recent applications that have received wide and sometimes controversial media coverage. By the end of the course, students will understand essential components of the fMRI technique and be informed consumers of primary and secondary source reports involving brain imaging. Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):   or   or   and   and   or   (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 386 - Seminar in Neuropharmacology

    Cross-Listed as BIOL 486 
    This is an advanced course that will focus on the study of drugs used to alter the central nervous system. The course will begin with basic pharmacological principles and then concentrate on the various uses of drugs to alter brain neurochemistry. Topics for discussion will include the pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia, depression, pain, anxiety and generally, the neurochemical basis of behavior. In addition to discussion of the use of drugs for clinical purposes, a significant amount of time will be spent on the use of “drugs of abuse” (e.g. cocaine, marijuana, LSD). While the focus of the course will be on the biochemical mechanisms of these drugs, an effort will be made to investigate and discuss the sociological ramifications of drug use. Three discussion/lecture hours per week. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 356  and junior or senior standing or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 394 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 488 - Senior Seminar

    Senior seminars examine a variety of topics. Specific topics will be determined at the time of registration, and may include African American Psychology, Lives in Context, Culture and Psychology, and Development in Context. These count as a UP3 course. Prerequisite(s): Senior majors and minors only (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 494 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 601 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • PSYC 602 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • PSYC 603 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • PSYC 604 - Tutorial

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 611 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • PSYC 612 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • PSYC 613 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • PSYC 614 - Independent Project

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 621 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (1 Credits)

  • PSYC 622 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (2 Credits)

  • PSYC 623 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (3 Credits)

  • PSYC 624 - Internship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (4 Credits)

  • PSYC 631 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (1 Credits)

  • PSYC 632 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (2 Credits)


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