Sep 27, 2024  
College Catalog 2012-2013 
College Catalog 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • MATH 369 - Advanced Symbolic Logic

    Cross-Listed as  
    A second course in symbolic logic which extends the methods of logic. A main purpose of this course is to study logic itself-to prove things about the system of logic learned in the introductory course. This course is thus largely logic about logic. Topics include second order logic and basic set theory; soundness, consistency and completeness of first order logic; incompleteness of arithmetic; Turing computability; modal logic; and intuitionistic logic. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s):  PHIL 120 , MATH 135  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • MATH 371 - Modern Geometry

    Topics in geometry selected by the instructor. Possible courses include classical Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry (Hilbert’s axioms; parallel postulate; hyperbolic, elliptic, spherical, projective geometries; Poincare models), differential geometry (calculus on surfaces; curvature; minimal surfaces; geodesics; the Gauss-Bonet theorem), computational geometry (triangulation; point location; Voronoi diagrams; linear programming). Offered even-numbered spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 236  and MATH 237  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 373 - Number Theory

    An introduction to the properties of and unsolved problems about the integers (whole numbers). This course is built around the problem of proving that a large integer is prime or finding its factorization into primes. Topics include: divisibility and prime numbers, the Euclidean algorithm, modular arithmetic, quadratic residues, continued fractions, and public-key cryptosystems. Alternate fall semesters. Prerequisite(s): MATH 136  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 376 - Algebraic Structures

    Introduction to abstract algebraic theory with emphasis on finite groups, rings, fields, constructibility, introduction to Galois theory.  Every spring. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 136  and MATH 236  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 377 - Real Analysis

    Basic theory for the real numbers and the notions of limit, continuity, differentiation, integration, convergence, uniform convergence, and infinite series. Additional topics may include metric and normed linear spaces, point set topology, analytic number theory, Fourier series.  Every fall. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 237  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 379 - Combinatorics

    Advanced counting techniques. Topics in graph theory, combinatorics, graph algorithms, and generating functions. Applications to other areas of mathematics as well as modeling, operations research, computer science and the social sciences. Alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): MATH 136 , COMP 121  or COMP 123 . (4 Credits)

  • MATH 394 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • MATH 432 - Mathematical Modeling

    Draws on the student’s general background in mathematics to construct models for problems arising from such diverse areas as the physical sciences, life sciences, political science, economics, and computing. Emphasis will be on the design, analysis, accuracy, and appropriateness of a model for a given problem. Case studies will be used extensively. Specific mathematical techniques will vary with the instructor and student interest. All 400-level courses will involve some independent student work such as oral presentations, papers, or computer projects. Alternate fall semesters. Prerequisite(s): MATH 312  or MATH 365 , and COMP 121  or COMP 123 . (4 Credits)

  • MATH 437 - Continuous Applied Mathematics

    Theory and applications of partial differential equations (PDE). Construction of PDE as models of natural phenomena. Solution via separation of variables, Fourier series and transforms, and other analytical and computational techniques. Independent or group research projects on open problems in applied PDE. Odd numbered spring semesters. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 236  and MATH 312 , and COMP 121  or COMP 123  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 455 - Mathematical Statistics

    An introduction to the mathematical theory of statistics: sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression. Additional topics may include: analysis of variance and goodness of fit. Emphasis on the theory underlying statistic, not on applications.  Every spring. Prerequisite(s): MATH 354  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 469 - Discrete Applied Mathematics

    Cross-Listed as  
    Topics in applied mathematics chosen from: cryptography; complexity theory and algorithms; integer programming; combinatorial optimization; computational number theory; applications of geometry to tilings, packings, and crystallography; applied algebra. All 400-level courses will involve some independent student work such as oral presentations, papers, or computer projects. Alternate fall semesters. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 236  and MATH 379  and COMP 121  or COMP 123 . (4 Credits)

  • MATH 471 - Topics in Topology/Geometry

    An introduction to the topology of Euclidean, metric, and abstract spaces. Covers the fundamental ideas from point set topology - continuity, convergence, and connectedness - as well as selected topics from knot theory, three-dimensional manifolds, fixed-point theory, the fundamental group, and elementary homotopy theory. Offered even-numbered fall semesters. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 236  and MATH 377  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 476 - Topics in Algebra

    Topics in algebra to be chosen from: group representations; algebraic coding theory and finite fields; Galois theory; algebraic and transcendental numbers; ring theory; applied algebra.  Alternate fall semesters. This course counts toward the capstone requirement. All 400-level courses will involve some independent student work such as oral presentations, papers, or computer projects. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 376  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 477 - Topics in Analysis

    A continuation of Real Analysis including discussion of basic concepts of analysis with particular attention to the development of the Riemann and Lebesgue integrals. Introduction to metric spaces, Fourier analysis.  Alternate spring semesters. All 400-level courses will involve some independent student work such as oral presentations, papers, or computer projects. Prerequisite(s):  MATH 377  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 478 - Complex Analysis

    Algebra of complex numbers, analytic functions, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy’s theorem, the Cauchy integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, the residue theorem, and conformal mapping. All 400-level courses will involve some independent student work such as oral presentations, papers, or computer projects. Alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): MATH 377  or MATH 437  (4 Credits)

  • MATH 494 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • MATH 601 - Tutorial

    Closely supervised individual (or very small group) study with a faculty member in which a student may explore, by way of readings, short writings, etc., an area of mathematics not available through the regular offerings. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • MATH 602 - Tutorial

    Closely supervised individual (or very small group) study with a faculty member in which a student may explore, by way of readings, short writings, etc., an area of mathematics not available through the regular offerings. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • MATH 603 - Tutorial

    Closely supervised individual (or very small group) study with a faculty member in which a student may explore, by way of readings, short writings, etc., an area of mathematics not available through the regular offerings. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • MATH 604 - Tutorial

    Closely supervised individual (or very small group) study with a faculty member in which a student may explore, by way of readings, short writings, etc., an area of mathematics not available through the regular offerings. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MATH 611 - Independent Project

    Individual project including library research, conferences with instructor, oral and written reports on independent work in mathematics. Subject matter may complement but not duplicate material covered in regular courses. Prerequisite(s): Arrangement with faculty prior to registration, departmental approval, and permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • MATH 612 - Independent Project

    Individual project including library research, conferences with instructor, oral and written reports on independent work in mathematics. Subject matter may complement but not duplicate material covered in regular courses. Prerequisite(s): Arrangement with faculty prior to registration, departmental approval, and permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • MATH 613 - Independent Project

    Individual project including library research, conferences with instructor, oral and written reports on independent work in mathematics. Subject matter may complement but not duplicate material covered in regular courses. Prerequisite(s): Arrangement with faculty prior to registration, departmental approval, and permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • MATH 614 - Independent Project

    Individual project including library research, conferences with instructor, oral and written reports on independent work in mathematics. Subject matter may complement but not duplicate material covered in regular courses. Prerequisite(s): Arrangement with faculty prior to registration, departmental approval, and permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MATH 621 - Internship

    Internships are offered only as S/D/NC grading option. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Junior and Senior standing. Arrangements must be made prior to registration. Departmental approval and permission of instructor required. Work with Internship Office. (1 Credits)

  • MATH 622 - Internship

    Internships are offered only as S/D/NC grading option. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Junior and Senior standing. Arrangements must be made prior to registration. Departmental approval and permission of instructor required. Work with Internship Office. (2 Credits)

  • MATH 623 - Internship

    Internships are offered only as S/D/NC grading option. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Junior and Senior standing. Arrangements must be made prior to registration. Departmental approval and permission of instructor required. Work with Internship Office. (3 Credits)

  • MATH 624 - Internship

    Internships are offered only as S/D/NC grading option. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Junior and Senior standing. Arrangements must be made prior to registration. Departmental approval and permission of instructor required. Work with Internship Office. (4 Credits)

  • MATH 631 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Work with Internship Office. (1 Credits)

  • MATH 632 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Work with Internship Office. (2 Credits)

  • MATH 633 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Work with Internship Office. (3 Credits)

  • MATH 634 - Preceptorship

    Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Work with Internship Office. (4 Credits)

  • MATH 641 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (1 Credits)

  • MATH 642 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (2 Credits)

  • MATH 643 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (3 Credits)

  • MATH 644 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Every semester. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

Media and Cultural Studies

  • MCST 110 - Texts and Power: Foundations of Media and Cultural Studies

    This course introduces students to the intellectual roots and contemporary applications of cultural studies, including critical media studies, focusing on the theoretical bases for analyses of power and meaning in production, texts, and reception. It includes primary readings in anti-racist, feminist, modern, postmodern, and queer cultural and social theory, and compares them to traditional approaches to the humanities. Designed as preparation for intermediate and advanced work grounded in cultural studies, the course is writing intensive, with special emphasis on developing skills in critical thinking and scholarly argumentation and documentation. Completion of or enrollment in MCST 110 is the prerequisite for majoring in media and cultural studies. Every semester. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 114 - News Reporting and Writing

    This class gives an introduction to the many media platforms that are vital to contemporary journalism, and provides a strong foundation in news writing and reporting. It is taught by a veteran editor and writer, who is a Macalester graduate and currently a digital editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune ( Campus and Twin Cities communities are used as students plan, develop, report and write stories individually and in groups. Cookies are usually served in class.

      (4 Credits)

  • MCST 126 - Local News Media Institutions

    An analysis of the major forces that determine media production and distribution. Topics include the political economy of media, ownership and government regulation, systems of power within media organizations, and the influence of advertisers on news and programming practices as well as on media access and diversity. Students will examine contemporary commercial media practices and structures in light of comparative, historical, and potential alternatives. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 128 - Film Analysis/Visual Culture

    This course introduces the aesthetics of film as well as selected issues in contemporary film studies. Its aesthetic approach isolates the features that constitute film as a distinct art form: narrative or non-narrative structure, staging, cinematography, editing, and sound. Topics in contemporary film studies that might be considered include one or more of the following: cultural studies and film, industrial organization and globalization, representations of gender and race, and theories of authorship, horror, and spectatorship. Several papers, a test covering basic film terms, and a short video project emphasizing abstract form are required. Suitable for first year students. Every semester. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 194 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 202 - Global Media Industries

    Cross-Listed as  INTL 202 
    We view the world and its peoples primarily through the “consciousness industry” of the media. As such, the way it is organized vitally impacts how we understand the world and our place in it. When did global media industries emerge, how are they organized, who owns them, and how have they transformed? In this course, we will investigate historical and contemporary forces of media production, explore theories for understanding the role of media in society, as well as consider paradigms that contest both practices and discourses of media globalization. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 234 - New Media Theories/Practices

    In the last couple of decades we have seen the invention and popularization of a wide assortment of digital technologies and with them, a wide variety of new media forms. The internet (which includes a collection of media forms, from web pages and peer-to-peer software to social media and video sharing sites), massively multiplayer online video games, ubiquitous computing, software, mobile phones - together, many argue, these and other forms of new media are reshaping how we live, create, work and even, what it means to be human. In this class we’ll examine a cross-section of contemporary humanistic research that has sought to understand the impact(s) of new media through a comparison to earlier, pre-digital media. In addition, we will engage in hands-on workshops, where we will use and learn some of the tools, software, and websites that our texts consider. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 247 - Documentary Film and Video

    This course explores the history and theory of documentary practices in film and video: the epistemological issues and critical debates surrounding documentary attempts to depict and/or comment on -reality,- the implications of cinematic technique and style for documentary representation and function, and the place of documentary representation in social, political and cultural discourses about nation, race, gender, sexuality, and class. The course integrates critical readings on documentary history and theory and viewings and discussions of relevant documentary films and videos. Recommended prerequisite: MCST 128  - Film Analysis and Visual Culture. Every year. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 248 - History of Film 1893-1941

    This course provides an overview of the history of film up through the release of Citizen Kane, examining aesthetic, industrial, social, and theoretical topics in a variety of national and cultural contexts. Discussions, lectures, and screenings emphasize commercial and avant-garde styles and their determinants. What is the style now referred to as the “classical Hollywood cinema?- Why did it materialize? What alternatives were there? The course explores issues of racism and gender as well as connections between the history of film and the modernization of European and U.S. culture. Several papers are required.  Recommended prerequisite: MCST 128  - Film Analysis and Visual Culture. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s):  sophomore status or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • MCST 249 - History of Film Since 1941

    This course provides an overview of the history of film from the early 1940s, examining aesthetic, industrial, social, and theoretical topics in a variety of national and cultural contexts. Discussions, lectures, and screenings emphasize international commercial and alternative styles and their determinants. Why and how did alternative styles develop against and within the Hollywood system? The course explores issues of racism and gender as well as connections between the history of film and postwar transformations, with particular attention to the effects on filmmaking of the Cold War in the United States and of post colonial struggles in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Several papers are required. Students who have completed   will be encouraged to engage in independent research. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • MCST 256 - Mass Culture Under Communism

    Cross-Listed as  RUSS 256 
    Revolution to the fall of communism. For each period in Soviet history, changes in the production and consumption of culture will be considered with specific examples to be discussed. Topics dealt with in the course include the role of mass media in society, popular participation in “totalitarian” societies, culture as a political tool. Popular films, newspapers and magazines, songs, radio and TV programs, etc., will serve to analyze the policies that inspired them and the popular reactions (both loyal and dissenting) they evoked. No prerequisites. Taught in English. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 286 - Media and Cultural Studies of Latin America

    Cross-Listed as  INTL 286  and LATI 286 
    This course explores cultural and media industries and texts - including folktales, art, performance, sport, film, and television - within their socio-political and historical context in Latin America. Organized around case studies that will allow us to apply learned cultural theories and methodologies to specific texts and historical moments, this class is imagined as a cultural studies “laboratory” in which we will collectively investigate varied topics in the field. Offered every year. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 294 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 315 - Gender, Sexuality and Film

    Cross-Listed as WGSS 320 
    This course explores a variety of critical approaches to the representation of gender and sexuality in film and video, including psychoanalytic feminist film theory and criticism, queer theory, narrative analysis, genre, visual culture, and cultural studies of gender and sexuality in relation to race, nation, and class. How have social constructs about gender and sexuality been promulgated and/or contested in film and video within mainstream and avant-garde contexts of cultural production? How have these constructs functioned to uphold and/or challenge other forms of social stratification or privilege? And, how might the woman’s body in particular—both as a sight to behold and a site of looking—offer different ways of thinking representational possibility? In asking these questions, the course considers a wide range of issues, including the gaze, the body, media technologies, spectatorship, identity and identification, realism, mythology, and pornography. Written work emphasizes the close analysis of film texts.  Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites: sophomore standing;   , Film Analysis and Visual Culture, or a course in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; or permission of the instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 322 - Culture and Global Capitalism

    Cross-Listed as  INTL 322  and LATI 322 
    From the colonial sugar plantations of the Caribbean and new continental tastes for sweets, to Ford’s mass production lines and Fordist mass consumption, to Sony’s multinationally produced video technology and Sonyism’s transnational networks of information societies, to Google and YouTube today, the worlds of capitalism and culture have been closely intertwined. This class will study forms of global economic exchange, and their associated systems of international relations, cultural texts, and popular resistances. Offered every year. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 331 - Racial Formation, Culture and U.S. History

    Cross-Listed as  AMST 331  and HIST 331 
    This interdisciplinary course will employ the methodologies of cultural and media studies within an historical framework to ask: What roles did “race” (the presence of diverse races; the relationships among those groups of people; the construction and representation of racial identities; the linking of material privileges and power to racial locations) play in the development of the United States? How have relationships of class, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality been linked to “race”? How has “race” been a site of struggle between groups? How is the present a product of historical experiences? Our coursework will rely on reading historical studies, theory, cultural analysis, and memoirs, and on viewing and analyzing cultural performances and films. This course is designed for students with experience in history, cultural studies, African American studies and/or American studies. Alternate years. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 334 - Cultural Studies and the Media

    Cross-Listed as AMST 334 

    An overview of contemporary approaches to media as culture, a determining as well as determined sphere in which people make sense of the world, particularly in terms of ethnicity, gender, identity, and social inequality. Students develop tools for analyzing media texts and accounts of audience responses derived from the international field of cultural studies and from the social theory on which it draws. Analysis emphasizes specificity of media texts, including advertisements, films, news reports, and television shows. Experience in cooperative discussion, research, and publication.  Every year.

      Prerequisite(s):  MCST 110  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • MCST 354 - Blackness in the Media

    Cross-Listed as AMST 354 
    This course examines mainstream and alternative systems of African American representation in the media from the 1820s to the 1960s, including race records, race movies, the Black press, Black video, and Black appeal radio. It also examines the way Blackness is constructed in the media today, including the role of new media (such as cable and the Internet); new corporate formations (such as FOX, UPN, and BET), and new forms of representation (such as representations that reject the Black-White binary). Every year. Prerequisite(s): AMST 110  or MCST 110  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • MCST 355 - Advanced Journalism: Electronic

    Writing and production of news, feature, and documentary stories for radio, television, and news media. The course stresses effective script writing and the development of a strong sense of journalistic ethics in an electronic environment. Emphasis is placed on frequent visits with practicing journalists and policy makers, on-site visits to electronic newsrooms, and field news assignments on campus and throughout the Twin Cities. Students will produce video, audio, and Internet stories. The course also examines the changing role of the media and the impact of electronic media and broadcast journalists on politics, government, education, and the legal system. Taught by a 20-year veteran print and broadcast journalist and former U.S. Senate press secretary. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): MCST 114 - News Reporting and Writing  or permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 357 - Advanced Journalism: Print

    In-depth reporting and writing of news, feature, and opinion pieces for newspapers and magazines. This course stresses effective writing and editing and the development of a strong sense of journalistic ethics. Emphasis is placed on field reporting on campus and throughout the community, on-site visits to newspaper newsrooms, and frequent discussions with practicing journalists, writers, and policy makers. Students will examine the changing role of print media and the impact of media and journalists on culture, politics, government, education, the legal system, and the community. Taught by a 20-year veteran print and broadcast journalist and former U.S. Senate press secretary. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): MCST 114 - News Reporting and Writing  or permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 376 - Critical Social Theory and the Media

    Studies of the contributions critical social theory has made to research oriented toward democratic communication. Class discussion evaluates the social uses of theories and probes assumptions and values embedded within them. A research paper allows each student to examine one theory or theoretical issue in detail. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s):  MCST 110  or permission of instructor (4 Credits)

  • MCST 394 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 448 - Advanced Topics Seminar

    (4 Credits)

  • MCST 488 - Advanced Topics Seminar

    In the capstone seminar, students working on an independent project in line with the theme of the seminar share their scholarship, integrating what they have learned in the major, emphasizing knowledge gained in their focus area, as well as presenting their work at a concluding mini-conference. The capstone experience involves close analysis of cultural artifacts that examine at a higher level issues first raised in the introductory course. The department plans to offer two seminars every year, at least one in media studies, enabling students to select the seminar most relevant to their intellectual development. In exceptional cases, students with sufficient preparation may take the seminar prior to their senior year. Students may take more than one HMCS senior seminar as long as content varies. Recent seminar topics have included: Image/Text: Metaphor, Myth and Power; Advanced Film Analysis; Advanced Studies in War and Media; Postmodernism, Identity and the Media; Whiteness and the Media; Advanced Queer Media. Every semester. Prerequisite(s):   or permission of instructor.   recommended for film studies seminars. Non-majors are welcome if they have taken   or a comparable course. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 494 - Topics Course

    Varies by semester. Consult the department or class schedule for current listing. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 604 - Tutorial

    Closely supervised individual or small group study for advanced students on a subject not available through regular catalog offerings. Every semester. Instructor permission required. (1-4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 614 - Independent Project

    For the advanced student capable of independent study and the production of original work. Prerequisite: normally junior or senior standing and permission of instructor. Every semester. (1-4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 624 - Internship

    The department offers a variety of internships in educational, business, and governmental institutions. Internships sponsored by department faculty are available only to juniors and seniors who have made substantial progress toward the major or have completed a media studies minor or the equivalent and must be grounded in previous coursework. Normally, internships are graded pass/fail. Exceptions to this policy permitting a letter grade may be made at the discretion of the individual faculty member sponsoring the internship. Internships may be of variable credit as determined by the instructor, and up to four credits may be applied to the department major. Every semester. (1-4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 634 - Preceptorship

    Work in assisting a faculty member on a varied range of activities involved in the planning and teaching of a course. Duties usually include course attendance, library research, test correction, conducting group study sessions, and tutoring individual students. Normally available only to juniors and seniors who have taken the course they will precept. Every semester. (1-4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs. (4 Credits)

  • MCST 644 - Honors Independent

    Independent research, writing, or other preparation leading to the culmination of the senior honors project. Every semester. (1-4 credits) Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. (4 Credits)


  • MUSI 72 - African Music Ensemble

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 73 - African Music Ensemble

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 74 - Macalester Concert Choir

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 75 - Macalester Choir

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 76 - Highland Camerata

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 77 - Highland Camerata

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 78 - Asian Music Ensemble

    The Macalester Asian Music Ensemble performs traditional and modern music from East and Central Asia. Core instruments include a variety of plucked lutes and zithers, bowed fiddles, bamboo/reed flutes, hammered dulcimer, and percussion from Chinese music and traditions across the Silk Road. (0 Credits)

    Curricular Change: New course effective Fall 2013 (per 11/6/12 EPAG approval)
  • MUSI 79 - Asian Music Ensemble

    The Macalester Asian Music Ensemble performs traditional and modern music from East and Central Asia. Core instruments include a variety of plucked lutes and zithers, bowed fiddles, bamboo/reed flutes, hammered dulcimer, and percussion from Chinese music and traditions across the Silk Road. (0 Credits)

    Curricular Change: New course effective Fall 2013 (per 11/6/12 EPAG approval)
  • MUSI 80 - Mac Jazz Band

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 81 - Mac Jazz Band

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 82 - Jazz/Popular Music Combos

    Jazz and Popular Music Combos are open to all who wish to concentrate on improvisation and original music. The combos present two concerts each year and record at a professional studio spring semester. (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 83 - Jazz/Popular Music Combos

    Jazz and Popular Music Combos are open to all who wish to concentrate on improvisation and original music. The combos present two concerts each year and record at a professional studio spring semester. (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 84 - Pipe Band

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 85 - Pipe Band

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 86 - Chamber Ensemble

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 87 - Chamber Ensemble

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 88 - Orchestra

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 89 - Orchestra

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 90 - Mac Early Music Ensemble

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 91 - Mac Early Music Ensemble

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 92 - Other Ensembles

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 93 - Other Ensembles

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 94 - Private Studio Instruction

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 95 - Private Studio Instruction

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 96 - Piano for Proficiency

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 97 - Piano for Proficiency

    (1 Credits)

  • MUSI 99 - Piano Proficiency Exam

    (0 Credits)

  • MUSI 110 - Music Appreciation

    Focuses on listening to music and making sense of what we hear. Explores diverse musical styles and cultures with an emphasis on concert music of the western world, placing the music within cultural-historical frameworks. Spring semester. (4 Credits)

  • MUSI 111 - World Music

    This course surveys traditional, folk, and pop genres from major musical traditions in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. We approach music as both aesthetic and social processes, and explore the relationship between music making and other domains of human experience. Students will develop basic skills in critical listening, analysis, and writing about music. Course readings and audiovisual examples are designed primarily for non-music majors or minors. There is no prerequisite; previous knowledge of musical instrument or notation is not required. (4 Credits)

  • MUSI 112 - Basic Musicianship

    Basic elements of music including scales, intervals, basic music reading and writing skills, ear training and some keyboard. The course is especially designed for the general student and will operate at a slower pace than Theory I. Spring semester. (4 Credits)

  • MUSI 113 - Theory I

    In this course we explore theoretical concepts of diatonic music, including counterpoint, harmonic progression, and voice leading, always seeking answers to questions about how diatonic music works. Students will develop the ability to discuss and write about music in a sophisticated way. We will accomplish these tasks through written exercises, analysis, composition, and ear training. Specific topics covered include pitch, meter, intervals, scales, keys, triads, seventh chords, diatonic modes, figured bass, lead-sheet (chord) symbols, Roman numeral identification, part writing, cadences, basic harmonic function, sequence, phrases and periods, melody harmonization, non-chord tones, and basic principles of orchestration. Aural activities include sight singing, identification of pitch patterns, identification of scales, rhythmic dictation, rhythm reading, melodic dictation, harmonic dictation, identification of sonorities, identification of cadences, and contextual listening. Three lectures and one lab per week. Fall semester. (4 Credits)

  • MUSI 114 - Theory II

    In this course we explore theoretical concepts of chromatic music, including harmony, voice leading, and form, always seeking answers to questions about how chromatic music works. Students will develop the ability to discuss and write about music in a sophisticated way. We will accomplish these tasks through written exercises, analysis, composition, and ear training. Specific topics covered include review of diatonic harmony and voice leading, secondary dominants, modulation to closely related keys, small forms (binary, ternary), mode mixture, chromatic mediants, modulation by common tone, Neapolitan sixth chords, augmented sixth chords, descending tetrachord bass line, enharmonic modulation, extended tertian chords, altered chords, and an introduction to sonata form. Aural activities include sight singing, identification of pitch patterns, melodic dictation, harmonic dictation, identification of sonorities, identification of intervals, harmonic substitution, modulating harmonic dictation, three-chord progressions, and contextual listening. Three lectures and one lab per week. Spring semester. Prerequisite(s):  MUSI 113  or permission of the instructor (4 Credits)

  • MUSI 131 - African Music

    Study of music in various African traditions within a social and historical context. Interrelationships between music and society (function, context, structure, gender roles, political considerations). Instruments, life-cycle rites, genres, musical organizations, traditional musicians, contemporary popular music. Fall semester. (4 Credits)

  • MUSI 153 - Electronic Music

    Electronic music composition explores the art of creating experimental sound compositions using analog and digital technology. Although we will survey the historical development of electronic music, the emphasis of the classis on composition, including multi-media and experimental work. The class format includes listening, discussion, lab sessions and a final concert showcasing works created throughout the semester. Enrollment limited to 13 to allow each student sufficient lab time. (4 Credits)


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